The world is facing a health crisis right now that is affecting the economy and our everyday life in ways we didn’t ever imagine. The lockdown is not that bad for introverts like me, while extroverts are hitting the roof on a daily basis.
As I write this, the 5th week of lockdown is ending and I have at least 5 more ahead of me. It’s been interesting to adapt to a fully remote working routine, but I can safely say that I got used to it and I’m actually starting to enjoy it (good luck getting my back into an office 😅).
I’ve always been keen on learning new things and developing a balanced lifestyle. And while I try to keep a balance for my everyday life, the lockdown kind of gave me an extra push to become more aware of my good and bad habits.
Here are a few tips to help you keep going during the lockdown.

Make Sure you Get Enough Sleep
There’s no secret that these are stressful times. Some people were left unemployed, others are in the front line fighting the virus, while others are trying to cope with caring for their young children, while still working remotely.
No matter the situation we’re in, it’s completely normal to have certain levels of anxiety and stress.
That’s why it’s important to try to get as much rest as possible. Stress and anxiety is affecting our sleep, so it’s important to try to get enough of it.
In his book Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker offers some simple tips to help us have a good night’s sleep:
- don’t eat 2 hours prior to going to bed
- avoid drinking alcohol in the evening
- coffee, tea, or any other type of caffeine shouldn’t be drink after lunch
- make sure the bedroom temperature is slightly cool – this will help you fall asleep faster
- the bedroom should be dark, so don’t use any technology right before going to sleep – preferably an hour before sleep
I highly, highly encourage everyone to read the book. It will open your eyes, so that you never underestimate the importance of sleep.
Stay Active
We aren’t that active during the lockdown for sure.
If you weren’t really into workouts before, now you should really push yourself a little and order to stay active.

There are countless resources online and you can start as small as you want. Yoga, HIIT, regular stretches – you name it, you can find it online. The fact that you don’t have equipment, is no excuse. This HIIT workout from Cirque du Soleil doesn’t require any equipment and it will still kill you. Trust me, I’m doing it for 3 weeks now and it’s still intense.
Our bodies need movement, no matter what. Exercise decrease stress level and improve sleep.
If you are lucky enough to have a yard, go and workout outside. The sunlight, and nature help raise endorphins. I started working out outside for a couple of days and it feels way better than it does inside.
Even a balcony works and it will make a difference.
Depending on how the state emergency is installed, you might even be able to go outside for a quick run around your home.
Just like sleep, movement is essential for a healthy body and mind.
Have Healthy Snacks Daily
While I was going to the office, I was packing snacks in my lunch bag too.
Now I obviously don’t pack for lunch anymore and I realised I was skipping snacks and meals.
It’s nice to indulge, and I think we should indulge every now and then, but in moderation. Keeping a balanced nutrition is key to stay healthy, both physically and mentally.
My solution to keep myself accountable for my daily healthy snacks intake was to make a meal plan for snacks. I write a few days in advance what snacks I’ll have every single day. Every morning, after finishing breakfast, I put the snacks on a plate and take it with me to my remote ”office”.
Having my snacks right next to my laptop helps a lot and I’m sure I won’t skip them.
The general recommendation is to have 3 main meals and 2 snacks between meals.
Some quick and easy snack ideas:
- fruits – fresh or dried (although the dried ones usually have sugar)
- nuts and seeds
- hummus and veggies
- guacamole with veggies or pita bread
- dark chocolate
- apple slices with peanut butter
- greek yoghurt with honey and walnuts or granola
Keep the Routine On
While we might be sick and tired of the day to day routine, our bodies love it.
Try to stick to your regular routines: start and finish working at similar hours, go to sleep and wake up at the same hour you would usually do and so on.
My favourite task manager app is Meister Task and I use it to track all the things I have to do. I keeps me accountable and I can see what I’ve completed.

It’s important to try keep things as normal as possible for our bodies.
One important thing for me, is to keep on my morning and evening skincare routines. I’m learning more and more about skincare and I’m making a priority.
It is difficult to not stay up late when you know you can chose when to wake up the next day. But I really hope the effort will pay of. Actually, I know it will pay off.
Take up a Lost Hobby
We all have hobbies that are buried under excuses like “when I’ll have more time, money, energy” and so on.
With a lot of time on your hands, start practicing a new skill, take up that thing you always wanted to try. Also, try to keep them inside – if taking street photography is your thing… well there aren’t any people of the street right now, and it’s safest to stay inside.
I’ve seen a lot of people are reading books right now, which can only make me happy. Read books, take up colouring for adults, knit, paint, sing… do whatever feeds your creativity.
Catch Up with Old Friends
This is quite embarrassing, but I tried for two weeks to catch up with best friend from childhood. There was always something coming up.
Everyone is getting bored and looking for new things to keep themselves entertained.
One of the biggest regrets in life people have is that they didn’t keep in touch with friends and family. I always knew this, but until I had a near death experience, I never truly valued these small things.
I made it my goal to keep in touch with friends and family, even though I risk to be judged as needy.
So use the dead time to FaceTime friends and family, play board games (online or though video call). Everyone could need a kind word now.
Take Advantage
I think everyone has some extra free time right now. Even if I work from home, I can get things done around the house during a break from work, I don’t need to commute and I can start working whenever I want.
So… take advantage of the situation. Binge watch Netflix, stay in your PJs the whole day, hell yes! don’t even leave the bed – work from there is you feel like.
Of course, don’t make a habit out of binge eating and slacking.
We usually complain that we don’t have time for all the things we want to do. Well, looks like the Universe gave us a lot of time now.
Use it wisely to come back a better version than you were before this madness started.
Stay safe and healthy!
What tips do you have for those that stay home during the lockdown?
I actually appreciate that this lockdown has been happening for this long, because it has allowed me to establish a new routine! Because we are habitual creatures, it is so hard when our life gets flipped upside down. I am so happy I have a routine again and have been enjoying that is more relaxing than my usual routine!
I totally feel you, Kelsey!
I’ve really been struggling with sleep. I get so anxious and stressed these days it’s hard to fall asleep. On top of that, my job is normally very active but now that I’m working from home it requires me to be on my computer pretty much all day. This has made my back pain much worse and I’m in too much pain to sleep. I try to get up every hour and walk around and move. Then after work I go for a walk or a run. But it’s definitely taking a toll on me.
I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you can find a remedy for your back pain.
Such a great post! These are such great tips for this hectic time. I know staying active has been a huge help with staying sane for me!
cute & little
I’ve been working from home for a few years, so my life hasn’t changed that much during all this! But all of these tips are really good advice no matter the situation. I do the same with snacks as you. I lay them all out for the day, so I make sure I’m eating well and spread throughout the day to keep my energy up.
Yay! I’m glad too see the snack list is working for you too!
I think about the only thing I’m not doing great at is eating healthy snacks. I think the healthiest snacks I get are… popcorn and… sometimes a fruit smoothie? I wish I was better with that one, but my digestive disease and many food allergies make things slightly complicated at any time, and especially when I can’t get “priority” products. Doing my best, that’s for sure! Doing my best with all of this!