We all want to be as productive as possible, right? Reasons might vary; maybe it’s a deadline getting closer, or you just want to finish things faster so you can enjoy some time for yourself. To improve productivity is something we all desire at a certain point and your boss wants it too for sure.
Being productive sounds like the best career skill ever, since it’s on everyone’s lips.
There are endless discussions and apps about productivity and I know I had to learn it the hard way. I was usually finding myself in critical periods of time when I was supposed to do a lot of things and I discovered those were the most productive periods for me. I have to admit, that I have the tendency to leave everything until the last minute, but who doesn’t love some adrenaline?! Plus, sometimes I’m
What productivity means to you?
There are endless
Depending on your day to day job, productivity might look different. If you work in a factory, screwing 3000 screws per hour might be productive, while if you’re a writer writing only 1000 words per hour might be unproductive.
Decide what productive means to you. Is it having your boss telling you you were productive, is it ticking everything on your to-do list for the day? Will it be considered an unproductive day if you don’t accomplish everything, but did the other things excellent? Have the general lines drawn so you can set realistic expectations about your productivity levels.
Small Things That Can Improve Productivity
Now that you decided how productivity should looks like for you, there’s some small things you can to do help you improve and stick to it.
Clean Your Working Space
While a certain environment can’t create something that is not there, according to a new study about cluttering, having a messy working space can affect productivity. This can vary from people to people and it also does for me as well. I have times when I can’t do anything creative-related if the room is not tidy, or sometimes I really don’t care at all, I’m just focused at my job.
Test to see which one works best for you.
Isolate the Background Noise
Busy cafe, crafty neighbors, loud working colleagues, you name it. Background noises can be a huge distraction.
If the background noises interrupt your work, try to isolate them as much as possible:
- listen to music and use a good pair of headphones that isolate the outside noise
- close the windows or the doors
- go to a separate area where there isn’t that much noise
Last, but not least you can totally pay your moron neighbor a visit.
Prevent Any Temptations
I’m a huge tea drinker and also a snacker. So, I’ll always find the perfect excuse for some tea time or a quick snack.
Have your favourite snacks and drinks on hand. Prevent any “oh, I need 15 minutes to decide which tea to drink” situations. It might not sound that bad since it’s such an innocent excuse, but it can turn into a monster. I had 3 mugs of tea this morning, just because I was lazy to do other things.
The Old To Do List
The oldie, but goldie hack: the to-do list.
It might sound so obvious, but if I wrote something down in my planner, I have to complete it. That piece of paper has that much power over me. And I like it.
Writing things down will also free your mind. You don’t have to remember every single thing, because it’s already on the paper so you can fully focus on one task at a time. About that…
Avoid Multitasking
I’ve always said it and I will always say it: multitasking does not exist, people! You can’t do multiple things at the same productivity level and quality as you’d do if you were doing one thing at the time. Also, you can’t do multiple things at one – you are switching between them. So a better term would be switchtasking instead of multitasking.
For me, switch-tasking is very, VERY unproductive. It makes me feel anxious and in the end I’m not contempt with any of the multiple things I though I was mastering like a boss.
So don’t put that pressure on yourself. Take it one thing at the time, no one has to know.
Take Breaks
One of the best known productivity techniques – Pomodoro – involves often breaks. Pomodoro uses 25 minutes time slots when you have to focus on your task, followed by a 5-10 minutes break.
Depending on your job and working environment this could be possible or not. BUT the principle should be the same. Try to have breaks every now and then to boost your mood. Also, very important: don’t talk or think about work during your breaks:
- scroll through social media
- have a walk around the neighborhood
- call a friend for a quick check-up call
- listen to a podcast or to your latest song-obsession
At the end of the day, all that matters is that you are contempt with your work and you are happy with yourself.
What small things do you use to stay productive? Let me know in the comments!
These are great tips! I’m still struggling with the temptations one lol.
xx Tatyanna
Love this list! I’m successful with following most of these tips, but not so good on taking breaks (I tend to sit too long, which really isn’t healthy, and sometimes forget to stop and eat lunch). Also, I plead guilty to attempting to multitask, and you’re right – it just really doesn’t work well!
Working on a clean space is a MUST for me. It helps me focus more on work.
Creating a clean workspace is a must for me. Dirty workspace makes me want to avoid sitting there.
Yes to all of these!! I work better with some good background noise (stick me in a cafe, and I can work for hours)! And I LOVE the pomodoro method!
Having a clean workspace and minimal background noise is key for being productive! I absolutely cannot focus if my workspace is a mess!
I so agree, multitasking is so NOT a thing. One thing I know I need to do is take more breaks to clear my mind and sort of give myself a renewed start during the course of the day. I currently do not get away from my desk enough and I know it’s stifling my productivity. Such a great list!
A shower always makes me more productive! Great tips.
That is such a great idea, Alix! Wouldn’t thought of it, thanks for the tip!
These are such helpful tips, I’ve been trying to minimize my distractions, one thing is I make sure I can’t see the screen from my phone so I don’t get distracted by any notifications!
That is a brilliant idea, Krystin! I do it too sometimes.
Thank you for talking about Multitasking! I believe the same, but of course people around us keep talking about Multitasking as if it is a skill. You are right, no one can be equally productive when multitasking, some tasks will fall short. I’m glad that I am not the only one who think this way.
Oh, I’m so happy to see I’m not the only one thinking multitasking is not a skill at all. I always cringe when I see articles praising it and people adding it in their resume.
Having a clear space and a to do list are musts! I will get NOTHING done if I’m not in a clear space, and I also WILL forget what I have to do if I don’t write it down – the only problem is that I often lose my lists, hah!
I use my planner for my to do lists or stick post-its in it with the to do lists. I used to lose them as well, or I was using multiple apps and always couldn’t remember where I wrote something (which app).
Maybe it will help you too.
Excellent tips! I notice that my productivity level is always higher on days where I’m in a clutter-free, quiet environment and have my to-do list made out. I’m also notorious for finding excuses to leave my desk. Good idea about having snacks and drinks on hand.
Absolutely fantastic tips! I l like to clean my workspace from time to time to create a new environment and really make me feel refreshed and ready to tackle on anything.
To-do lists are a must for me! It helps to get all of that out of my head and I really enjoy going through and crossing things off my list.
I write everything down in my planner, even the small tasks. It has really help with productivity.
I make a to-do list every day! I also find, like you said, that multi-tasking just makes me frantic and I don’t actually accomplish as much.
I know the feeling, it makes me quite anxious sometimes.
I love to-do lists and I really rely on them. But I’m quite bad at focussing on one task at a time!